If you have changed your email address, please include your old registration
confirmation from Kagi when you contact me, if possible.</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
<A NAME="Tworks"></A><B><FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">How does PPPop work?</FONT></B></H4>
<FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">Applications which open a connection generally
do so by requesting network services. PPPop, however, operates more
like a control panel for your PPP software. It talks directly to
the PPP driver via a programmer's interface. When your PPP software
signals that a connection has opened or closed, PPPop reacts. If
PPP does not know what the state of a connection is, neither does PPPop.</FONT>
<P><FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">PPPop also reads the preferences file maintained
by your PPP software to get a list of your configurations. If you
change the configuration via PPPop's Server menu, then PPPop will alter
this preferences file.</FONT>
<A NAME="Tstartcrash"></A><FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">PPPop2 is in my Startup Items folder and it crashes!</FONT></H4>
<FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">Some users have reported that when they put PPPop2 (or its alias) in their Startup Items folder, PPPop2 crashes. It seems this can happen when there are other items in the Startup which launch after PPPop2. I am still looking for the cause of this problem. </FONT>
<P><FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">These users have been able to work around the problem by renaming PPPop2 (or its alias) to "~PPPop2". As Startup items are launched in alphabetical order, this should force PPPop2 to launch last.</FONT>
<A NAME="Tregcrash"></A><FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">PPPop2 crashes when I click "Register" and when I open the Help dialog.</FONT></H4>
<FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">Some users have reported that PPPop2 crashes when they open the Register or Help dialogs. So far, all of these users have been running the Appearance 1.0 extension on their systems. It is buggy. Apple has replaced it with Appearance 1.0.3. </FONT>
<P><FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS">Appearance 1.0.3 can be obtained from <A HREF = "http://www.apple.com">Apple</A>. </FONT>
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